Deirdre Childress Hopkins explores the world, entertainment and sports

Posts tagged ‘Red Tails’

George Lucas speaks on ‘Red Tails’

It’s funny but what George Lucas is saying about Hollywood’s familiar to fund his new film, “Red Tails,’ brings another all-black, or let’s say – the lead roles, to mind.

Today on the Jon Stewart show, Lucas talked about trying to get $58 million together to produce one of the greatest black history moments – ever. Tough sell with the movie studios.

I had the pleasure of meeting several of the Tuskegee Airmen last year and I can tell you they are real black history and it’s too bad it did not go easy for Lucas. The airmen were cordial, polite and some of the smartest gentlemen I’ve had the pleasure to meet. They signed a book and passed it along the row for me. I know when a piece of history is being handed to me – and with a smile.

Truth: I have assigned two stories on this film and now we are waiting for a film review. I am doing what I can because sometimes a project is just plain worthy, something that needs to be shared with everyone.

So, yes, if this lack of respect is familiar, I am right there with you. It’s happen to us for year but there was one time it felt acute, like a heartache. I had to turn away from my beloved Oscars for a moment.

Remember Steven Spieberg’s  ‘The Color Purple” and how the Oscars gave it no love? How many people remember any lines from “Out of Africa” which won the Oscar that year?

But hey, I’m not advocating someone hand Miss Celie a razor, but…..